Hi, I'm Barry Litherland. Welcome to my website. I live in the far North of Scotland not far from John O'Groats. I'm married and have three children, a grandchild and two springer spaniels.

I was born and raised in the coastal tourist town of Blackpool in the NW of England and still return there regularly. I have created a fictional coastal town as the setting for three crime novels, "Breaking Waves", "Shifting Sands" and "Rising Tides". These are my "Phil Tyler Thrillers".

(Right) This is a picture of my two springer spaniels - both rescue dogs. They're called Milly and Ziggy. The picture above is Milly with her Covid mask.

I love reading, writing my novels, cycling, walking on the coast and in the hills and silence. I often use the sea and the mountains as the backdrop for my novels. I used this scene (left) in an early novel called "A Tale of Shadows".

I spent my working life in education as a primary teacher, head teacher and development officer. I am passionate about the role of literature in education and could bore you to death talking about how we should foster a lifetime love of reading. Now, I'm writing my own series of novels (The "Jenny" Series) for 8-12 year-olds, and their parents and teachers.

And this is me.