barrylitherland1 minA thriller with a touch of humor and an intricate mystery storyline "The hints of humor in the narration make this already mysterious thriller even more enjoyable. It sets itself apart from the oftentimes...
barrylitherland2 minGod Preserve us from ChatbotsIs anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to find a human being to speak to when requiring advice or information from larger...
barrylitherland3 minDark Skies and Fireflies - reflections on the origins of my latest work.In 1965, when I was fourteen, my parents’ marriage, which had been teetering on the edge for some time, finally plummeted into the murky...
barrylitherland1 minWelcome to my new Blog.Over the next few months I'll use these pages to ponder, muse, ramble, discuss books I've read, discuss pages I've written, bewail my...